We help business owners achieve 5 main goals.

  • 1. Acquire equity to grow the business

    We partner with owners and lenders to bring equity to the table to grow the business. We add insight, strategic planning and will assist with either organic or acquisition growth.

  • 2. Change the management structure (management buyout)

    Perhaps there are key employees that want ownership of the company. We assist with management buyouts so that equity can be disbursed to the current owners using a comfortable capital structure.

  • 3. Gain a strategic partner

    If the owner wants to pull capital off the table and continue to run the business, we can step in as a strategic partner.

  • 4. Create a Succession Plan

    Is it time for something new? We assist by acquiring a position in the business, allowing the owners to capitalize on their hard work. We communicate clearly with the owners to understand their time line and create a succession plan that works.

  • 5. Exit the Business

    We help owners monetize their decades of hard work and confidently leave their business in good hands.


Our approach is flexible to match the desires of owners! A win/win formula for all.

What People Are Saying

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“GT Metal Products has been a client of Roynat Capital Inc. for the past two years. In my dealings with, Darren Krissie, I have found him an exceptionally knowledgeable businessperson who provides high quality, accurate and detailed financial reporting. My personal interactions with Mr. Krissie attest to his deep understanding of not only his business but the industry in which they operate and also general economic trends effecting the local, provincial and national economies. 

In 2015, only 3 years after acquiring GT Metal, Darren was faced with one of the worst and longest downturns in Alberta history. Darren was able to successfully navigate through, find ways to grow his business and make a strategic acquisition, this was entrepreneurialism at it’s finest”.

— Robert Petruic

Associate Director, Roynat Capital

“I met Darren in 2012, as he acquired GT Metal Products Ltd. from me.  We spent a lot of time together throughout the acquisition process.  I got to know Darren as we worked together throughout the transition and as Darren didn’t come from the metal industry, he was interested in my experience, and spent time understanding the business I had built.  Darren was professional, and committed to ensuring the integrity of the business remained.  I never second-guessed Darren’s decisions, or actions and am happy to say 80% of the original staff are still at GT Metal Products as of today. 

Darren kept his word throughout the entire purchase process and even with unforeseen obstacles in the economy, he was proactive and ensured all vendor take back monies and interest owing were paid in full.

Furthermore, I have made a friend throughout the process”.

— Dennis Berreth

Former Owner and Investor, GT Metal Products Ltd.